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Zolpidem: Uses, Dosage and Side Effects (

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What is Zolpidem?

  • Generic name: Zolpidem.
  • Brand names: Ambien, Ambien CR, Edluar, Zolpimist, Intermezzo.
  • Drug class: Miscellaneous anxiolytics, sedatives, and hypnotics.

Zolpidem is used in adults to treat insomnia. It comes in different forms, such as Ambien, Edluar, and Zolpimist, to help with falling asleep, and Intermezzo, to help with returning to sleep if waking up in the middle of the night.

The extended-release version, Ambien CR, has a fast-dissolving layer to help you fall asleep and a slow-dissolving layer to help you stay asleep.

Your physician will determine the most suitable form of Zolpidem, so consult them before buying it online. Zolpidem is a sedative-hypnotic medication that slows down brain activity to facilitate sleep.

Mechanism of action?

Zolpidem is a non-benzodiazepine sleep medication that functions by enhancing the effects of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). This neurotransmitter acts as a modulator/agonist for chloride channels in the brain. This ultimately increases the inhibitory effects of GABA, leading to sedation.

The GABAa receptor is present in various regions of the brain, including the sensorimotor cortical areas, globus pallidus, inferior colliculus, pons, ventral thalamic complex, olfactory bulb, cerebellum, and substantial parts of the brain. Zolpidem regulates these receptors, resulting in sedative effects that promote deep sleep.

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Zolpidem pills image

Here are a few strengths of Zolpidem that are available for sale with their unique imprints and identifications.

Strength: 10 mg 

  • Imprint: E 79
  • Color: White
  • Shape: Oval.

Strength: 5 mg 

  • Imprint: E 78
  • Color: White
  • Shape: Round.

Strength: 12.5 mg 

  • Imprint: LU E62
  • Color: Blue
  • Shape: Round.

You can easily order Zolpidem online if you know its physical details.

Essential warnings and precautions

Avoid using it in large amounts or for more than the prescription. Also, do not perform any activities that require your alertness, such as driving, walking, eating, making phone calls, or having sex. People doing such activities sometimes need more memory; if this happens, notify your pharmacist.

Zolpidem has the potential to induce a severe allergic response. Stop using it and seek immediate medical assistance if you experience any signs of an allergic reaction.

Please avoid giving this medication to anyone else, even if they are experiencing the same symptoms as you. The recommended doses of Zolpidem differ between men and women, and this medication is not intended for use in children. Misusing this medication can lead to harmful side effects.

Avoid buying Zolpidem online if you consume alcohol during the treatment.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding:

Please avoid ordering Zolpidem online and inform your physician if you are currently pregnant or planning to become pregnant. The use of this medication during the final three months of pregnancy could potentially harm the unborn baby.

Consult with a physician to know if it is safe to breastfeed while taking this medication.

If you are breastfeeding, notify your pharmacist if you observe increased drowsiness, breathing difficulties, or weakness in the nursing infant.

Refrain from breastfeeding within 23 hours after taking Zolpidem.

How to use Zolpidem?

  • Always follow your pharmacist’s guidance when using Zolpidem, and do not exceed the prescribed dosage.
  • Zolpidem should be taken on an empty stomach right before going to bed.
  • If you wake up in the middle of the night and have less than 4 hours of sleep time left before engaging in any activities, do not use the orally disintegrating tablet for insomnia.
  • Zolpidem will help in falling asleep.
  • Contact your healthcare expert if your symptoms do not improve after 7-10 days of treatment or worsen.
  • Before discontinuing or purchasing Zolpidem online, consult your pharmacist.
  • Keep Zolpidem in its original container until you are ready to use it.
  • Dosing guide

Typical adult dosage for treating insomnia:

For immediate-release tablets, oral spray, and sublingual tablets.

Initial dosage:

  • Females: 5 mg once before going to bed.
  • Males: 5-10 mg once daily before going to bed.
  • Maintenance dosage: 5 to 10 mg once before going to bed.
  • Maximum dosage: 10 mg per day.

Typical dosage for elderly patients with insomnia:

  • Immediate-release tablets, oral spray, and sublingual tablets: 5 mg orally once before going to bed.
  • Maximum dosage: 5 mg per day.

For comprehensive guidance, check our product category section or buy Zolpidem online.

Side effects 

Zolpidem can lead to severe adverse reactions. Contact your physician immediately if you experience: 

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Anxiety, depression, agitation, or aggression
  • Confusion or hallucinations
  • Memory issues or unusual behavior
  • Thoughts of self-harm
  • Feeling faint or at risk of fainting.

This list is incomplete; you may find others while using the medicine. Always consult with an expert before you buy Zolpidem online for safety reasons.

Where to buy Zolpidem online?

You can easily buy Zolpidem online from the Purdue Store. It is a one-stop solution for all your medical needs. Purchasing your drugs online will help you save a lot of your time, and with its exciting offers, you may save extra time you buy. For overnight and fast delivery, you must order Zolpidem online.

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